Vision for Glaucoma
Oral Presentations
"Improved wound resolution for Entropion Surgery using a microscope-assisted 8’0’ vicryl suture technique." BALENDRA S, Rainsbury P, Makuloluwe S, Lockwood A Presented at the European Vision and Eye Research meeting, October 2018, Nice.
"Intravitreal rituximab for the treatment of ocular lymphoma and glaucoma". LOCKWOOD A, Farnworth D, Rainsbury P, Balendra S. Presented at the European Vision and Eye Research meeting, October 2018, Nice.
"Transconjunctival bleb sutures for post-trabeculectomy hypotony".
RULE E, Beer F, Manns R, Ambrose I, Walker L, Lockwood A. Presented at the European Vision and Eye Research meeting, October 2018, Nice.
"Socioeconomic deprivation status of patients undergoing Trabeculectomy surgery. A 9-year review at Queen Alexandra
Hospital, Portsmouth". SEPETIS A, Balendra S , Meredith P , Kirwan J , Lockwood A. Presented at the European Vision and Eye Research meeting, October 2017, Nice.
"Inflammatory markers but not symptoms are a strong predictor of temporal artery biopsy outcome – the Portsmouth experience." MEREDITH P R , Sepetis A , Balendra S , Jawed M , Lockwood A J , Maclean H. Presented at the European Vision and Eye Research meeting, October 2017, Nice.
Case series and literature review: "Is there a role for antiviral prophylaxis in patients who have had herpetic encephalitis?"
BALENDRA S , Sepetis A , Rainsbury P , Malem A , Meredith P , Farnworth D, Lockwood A. Presented at the European Vision and Eye Research meeting, October 2017, Nice.
"Trabeculectomy: long term visual field stability". BOBAT H , Lockwood A , Kirwan J F, Queen Alexandra Hospital, Eye Department, Portsmouth, United Kingdom. Presented at the European Vision and Eye Research meeting, October 2016 Nice.
“Early experiences with intravitreal ocriplasmin: a series of cases with vitreomacular traction”
Schulz C, Saunders D, Lockwood A, Begum S Presented at the European Vision and Eye Research meeting, October 2015 Nice.
“Endophthalmitis associated with intravitreal ranibizumab injections: Microbiology and visual outcomes.”
“Early experiences with intravitreal ocriplasmin: a series of cases with vitreomacular traction”
Schulz C, Saunders D, Lockwood A, Begum S Presented at the European Vision and Eye Research meeting, October 2015 Nice.
“Endophthalmitis associated with intravitreal ranibizumab injections: Microbiology and visual outcomes.”
Penwarden A, Weston K, Lockwood A Presented at the European Vision and Eye Research meeting, October 2015 Nice.
‘Conjunctival wound healing’. Lockwood A. Presented at Southwest regional glaucoma meeting, Taunton, September 2013.
‘Modulation of wound healing following glaucoma filtration surgery’. Lockwood A Presented at Moorfields symposium January 2013.
‘PROMS, PREMS, and POEMS – Patient reported outcome measures’. Shah P, Cross V, Sii F, Somner J, Lockwood A. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology May 2012, Fort Lauderdale.
‘A Novel Slow Release Solid Bevacizumab Tissue Tablet Prevents Scarring Following Experimental Glaucoma Filtration Surgery (GFS)’. Khalili A, Rayapureddi S, Paull D, Fadda H, Lockwood A, Ellis J, Brocchini S, Khaw P. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology May 2011, Fort Lauderdale.
‘Indocyanine Green as a safe and an effective dye in macular hole surgery’. Lockwood A. Jan 2010 Regional Spr Chichester
‘Releasable sutures; when to release and outcomes in modern trabeculectomy’ Anderson L, Lockwood A, Kirwan J. European Society of Ophthalmology June 09, Amsterdam
‘Trabeculectomy a Safe Surgery Strategy?’ Lockwood A. Jan 2009 Regional Spr Chichester
‘Responsiveness of the national eye institute visual function questionnaire to changes in visual acuity: findings in patients having ranibizumab treatment for neovascular age-related macular degeneration.' Thiagarajan M, Trikha S., Bolton K, Goverdahn S, Lockwood A, Booth A, Yang Y, Farnworth D. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology May 2008, Fort Lauderdale.
‘Intravitreal Ranibizumab (Lucentis) for the treatment of Neovascular Age-related Macular degeneration: Results from 109 cases.’ Thiagarajan M Trikha S Bolton K, Lockwood A, Farnworth D, Yang YF, Booth A.
‘Trabeculectomy in Portsmouth a consecutive case series of 162 patients’. Lockwood A. Jan 2008 Portsmouth.
‘Trabeulectomy in the presence of scleromalacia’. Lockwood A, Ramchandani M, Glaucoma regional meeting, Southampton Oct 2007
‘Eales Disease, a diagnosis of Exclusion’. Lockwood A. Vitreoretinal meeting, Salisbury Feb 2007
‘Trabeculectomy with Mitomycin C. Do we need to work harder on the African-Caribbeans?’ Shah P, Sii F, Lockwood A .The European Association for Vision and Eye Research Congress; 5-8 Oct 2005, Vilamoura, Portugal.
’The use of fibrin glue to secure donor lamellar scleral transplantation in extensive scleral reconstruction in juvenile idiopathic arthritis associated scleromalacia’. Lockwood A, Sii F, Shah P The European Association for Vision and Eye Research Congress; 5-8 Oct 2005, Vilamoura, Portugal.
‘The Birmingham ReGAE (Research into Glaucoma and Ethnicity) Project: The efficacy and safety of trabeculectomy and mitomycin C’. Shah P, Sii F, Lockwood A. The RANZCO Glaucoma Conference. 1-5 Sept 2005;Cairns, Australia
‘The incidence of post cataract surgery endophthalmitis, the diagnostic accuracy of anterior chamber paracentesis (AC tap) and vitreous biopsy and microbial isolates: a nine year (1996-2004) regional study’. Durrani O, Mollan S, Gao A, Lockwood A et al. American Academy of Ophthlamology (2005)
‘General anaesthesia and ophthalmic surgery - an eccentric problem?’ Rossiter J, Lockwood A, Wood M, Lewis K. British Ophthalmic Anaesthetic Society, Chester, June 2003.